Face Slimming and Bruxism Belfast

We provide a dual-benefit Botulinum toxin treatment at Verve Medical Aesthetics, effectively addressing bruxism and delivering transformative face-slimming results.

Bruxism Treatment in Belfast

Treatment for Face Slimming & Bruxism

The Jawline Slimming and Bruxism Connection

Jawline slimming and bruxism are two conditions that can significantly impact your facial aesthetics and overall well-being. The masseter muscles largely determine the jawline's shape, which controls chewing movements. For some, a square jawline is a natural anatomical feature, while for others, it results from bruxism, which causes excessive teeth grinding or clenching.

The Impact of Bruxism

Bruxism is an involuntary action that can occur during sleep or periods of stress and concentration. It leads to hypertrophic growth of the masseter muscles, potentially resulting in a wider, square-looking face. Beyond aesthetics, bruxism can also cause discomfort and pain, necessitating effective treatment.

Jawline Slimming Treatments

At Verve Medical Aesthetics, our bruxism treatments are performed by Dr Mark McCoubrey, an experienced medical professional with a keen interest in aesthetic medicine. We offer a variety of treatments, including the use of Botulinum Toxin, a neurotoxin that has shown promising results in treating bruxism and achieving a slimmer jawline.

Botulinum for Bruxism Treatment

Botulinum Toxin addresses the root cause of bruxism by targeting excessive muscle activity. When used for jawline slimming, it can soften the appearance of the jawline, leading to a more oval face shape and more prominent cheekbones and chin.

The Procedure

The procedure involves injecting small doses of Botulinum Toxin directly into the masseter muscles on each side of the face. This relaxes the muscles, reducing grinding and the hypertrophy of the masseters. The procedure is highly effective, with minimal pain and no downtime. Patients typically report a noticeable thinning of the face and jaw following the treatment.

Facial Aesthetics in Bangor

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the treatment last?

The treatment takes two weeks to work and face slimming can take a few weeks to begin to notice.

How long does it take?

The treatment takes 20-30 minutes.

Results and Follow-ups:

The jawline slimming treatment can significantly transform your face, with results typically visible within three weeks. The effects usually last for three to four months or more, and a repeat treatment may be needed 4-8 weeks later to ensure optimal results. Over time, as the muscles relax and atrophy, less Botulinum will be needed, and there may be longer periods will be between treatments.

Side Effects and Contraindications:

Using Botulinum Toxin for masseter muscle relaxation is a safe and effective treatment for bruxism, with minimal side effects. The injections may cause slight discomfort, but the quick procedure lets you immediately return to normal activities.

At Verve Medical Aesthetics, we are committed to providing treatments that enhance your aesthetic appeal and improve your quality of life. Our face slimming and bruxism treatments are designed to deliver noticeable results in a safe and supportive environment. Contact us today to book in for a consultation, or get in touch if you have questions.

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