Crepey skin

Crepey skin is a common cosmetic concern that many individuals face as they age. Characterised by a thin, wrinkled appearance reminiscent of crepe paper, this condition often affects areas prone to sun exposure, such as the face, neck, and hands. At our clinic, Dr. Mark specialises in offering advanced skin boosters and treatments to combat the signs of crepey skin, helping patients achieve smoother and more youthful-looking skin.

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Signs of crepey skin

  1. Texture Changes: Crepey skin is characterised by a noticeable change in skin texture, resembling the crinkled and fine lines seen on crepe paper.

  2. Sagging and Laxity: Loss of collagen and elastin, essential proteins for skin elasticity, leads to sagging and laxity, contributing to the crepey appearance.

  3. Thinness: Crepey skin is often thinner than normal skin, making it more prone to damage and less resilient.

  4. Fine Wrinkles: Fine, superficial wrinkles become more apparent, especially in areas with repetitive movement or sun exposure.

causes of crepey skin

  1. Ageing: The natural ageing process results in a decrease in collagen and elastin production, leading to the loss of skin firmness and resilience.

  2. Sun Exposure: Prolonged exposure to UV rays accelerates collagen breakdown and contributes to premature ageing, including crepey skin.

  3. Genetics: Genetic factors can influence skin characteristics and how it ages, including the likelihood of developing crepey skin.

  4. Dehydration: Inadequate hydration can exacerbate the appearance of crepey skin, as well-hydrated skin is more plump and resilient.

crepey skin treatment

  1. Dermal Fillers: Dr. Mark specialises in the use of dermal fillers containing hyaluronic acid to add volume, reduce wrinkles, and improve skin texture.

  2. Profhilo and other skin boosters: Profhilo is a unique injectable hyaluronic acid-based treatment. Hyaluronic acid, a natural component of the skin, plays a crucial role in maintaining hydration and promoting collagen production. Profhilo is formulated to spread seamlessly across the skin, providing deep hydration and stimulating the production of both elastin and collagen.

At our clinic, Dr. Mark is committed to providing personalised and effective solutions to address crepey skin, enhancing the natural beauty of each patient. With a range of advanced skin boosters and treatments, we strive to help individuals achieve a more youthful and revitalised complexion. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark to explore the tailored options available and embark on the journey to smoother, firmer skin.

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