Crow's feet

Crow's feet, those fine lines and wrinkles that appear around the eyes, can be a common concern for many individuals seeking to maintain a youthful and vibrant appearance. Fortunately, with advancements in aesthetic medicine, there are effective treatments available to combat these signs of ageing. Our renowned aesthetic clinics in Belfast and Bangor offer safe and proven anti-wrinkle treatments to help you regain your confidence and rejuvenate your skin.

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WHat are Crow's Feet?

Crow's feet, medically known as "periorbital wrinkles," are typically caused by a combination of factors, including the natural ageing process, repeated muscle movements (such as squinting or smiling), sun exposure, and genetics. Over time, the collagen and elastin fibers that provide skin with its elasticity and support begin to break down, resulting in the formation of these fine lines and wrinkles, which often radiate from the corners of the eyes.

Treatment options

At our aesthetic clinics in Belfast and Bangor, we offer cutting-edge anti-wrinkle treatments to address crow's feet effectively. Our experienced and certified practitioner, Dr Mark will work closely with you to determine the most suitable treatment option based on your unique needs and goals.

Botox for Crow's Feet

Botox (Botulinum Toxin) is a popular and effective treatment for crow's feet, those fine lines and wrinkles that appear around the corners of the eyes. Here's how Botox works to treat crow's feet:

  1. Muscle Relaxation: Crow's feet are often the result of repeated muscle movements, such as squinting or smiling. Over time, these muscle contractions cause the skin to crease, leading to the formation of wrinkles. Botox works by temporarily relaxing the muscles responsible for these movements.

  2. Injection Procedure: During a Botox treatment for crow's feet, Dr Mark, a trained and certified practitioner will use a very fine needle to inject small amounts of Botox directly into the targeted facial muscles. The procedure is relatively quick and minimally invasive, with little to no discomfort.

  3. Neurotransmitter Inhibition: Botox contains botulinum toxin type A, which acts as a neuromuscular blocking agent. It works by blocking the release of a neurotransmitter called acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction. Acetylcholine is responsible for signaling the muscle to contract.

  4. Temporary Muscle Paralysis: Once Botox is injected, it temporarily paralyses or weakens the targeted muscles, preventing them from contracting forcefully. This relaxation of the muscles reduces the repetitive movements that cause crow's feet.

  5. Smoother Skin: As the treated muscles relax and no longer contract as strongly, the overlying skin smoothens out. This reduction in muscle activity leads to a visible reduction in the appearance of crow's feet, making them less noticeable.

  6. Natural-Looking Results: One of the advantages of Botox is that it provides natural-looking results. The treatment specifically targets the muscles causing the wrinkles while leaving surrounding muscles unaffected. This ensures that your facial expressions remain natural, and you can still smile and squint without the excessive creasing that contributes to crow's feet.

  7. Gradual Improvement: The full effects of Botox treatment for crow's feet typically become noticeable within a few days to a week after the procedure. The results can last for several months, and maintenance treatments are usually recommended to sustain the desired outcome.

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