nasolabial folds

Nasolabial folds, commonly known as smile lines or laugh lines, are the deep wrinkles or lines that extend from the sides of the nose to the corners of the mouth. These lines are a natural part of the ageing process and can become more pronounced over time. While nasolabial folds are not necessarily a medical concern, many individuals seek treatment to minimise their appearance and achieve a more youthful look.

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what causes nasolabial folds?

The development of nasolabial folds can be attributed to several factors. Firstly, the ageing process leads to a decrease in collagen and elastin production, which are essential proteins responsible for maintaining the skin's elasticity and firmness. As a result, the skin loses its ability to bounce back and becomes more prone to forming wrinkles and folds. Additionally, repetitive facial movements, such as smiling, laughing, or squinting, can contribute to the formation of these lines.

Other factors that can influence the appearance of nasolabial folds include genetics, sun exposure, smoking, and poor skincare habits. These factors can accelerate the breakdown of collagen and elastin, making the folds more pronounced at an earlier age.

Nasolabial folds treatment

Fortunately, there are various treatment options available to address nasolabial folds, and one popular approach involves the use of dermal fillers. Dermal fillers are injectable substances that are used to add volume, restore contours, and reduce the appearance of wrinkles and lines.

During the dermal filler treatment for nasolabial folds, a trained medical professional like Dr Mark, typically begins by assessing the individual's facial structure and discussing their aesthetic goals. The most commonly used dermal fillers for this purpose are hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally occurring substance in the body that helps to maintain hydration and plumpness in the skin.

The procedure involves injecting the dermal filler directly into the nasolabial folds. The filler acts as a cushion, filling in the depressions and softening the appearance of the lines. The treatment is typically well-tolerated, and numbing agents or ice may be used to minimise any discomfort during the procedure. The results are immediate, and the individual can usually resume their normal activities with minimal downtime.

Dermal fillers offer a temporary solution for nasolabial folds, with results lasting anywhere from several months to over a year, depending on the specific filler used. The longevity of the results varies based on factors such as the individual's metabolism, lifestyle, and the type of filler chosen. If desired, the treatment can be repeated to maintain the effects.

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