can dermal fillers treat jowls

Can Dermal Fillers Help with Jowls?

Jowls, those pesky sagging areas of skin along the jawline, can be a source of frustration for many individuals as they age. While jowls are a natural part of the ageing process, they can often make people feel self-conscious about their appearance. Fortunately, advancements in medical aesthetics offer solutions to address this concern, with dermal fillers emerging as a popular option. At Verve Medical Aesthetics, led by expert injector Dr. Mark McCoubrey, we specialise in providing effective treatments for a range of skin concerns, including jowls. In this blog post, we delve into the question: Can dermal fillers help with jowls?

Firstly, let's look at how jowls develop:

Jowls develop primarily as a result of ageing, although other factors can contribute to their formation. Here's a breakdown of the main factors involved:

  1. Loss of Skin Elasticity: As we age, the skin naturally loses elasticity due to a decrease in collagen and elastin production. This loss of elasticity causes the skin to become lax and more prone to sagging, particularly in areas where gravity exerts its pull, such as the lower face and jawline.

  2. Decrease in Muscle Tone: The muscles in the face also experience a loss of tone and firmness over time. As these muscles weaken, they are less able to support the overlying skin, leading to sagging and the formation of jowls.

  3. Loss of Facial Fat: Another contributing factor is the redistribution and loss of facial fat that occurs with age. Fat pads that once provided volume and support to the cheeks and jawline can diminish or shift downwards, exacerbating the appearance of jowls.

  4. Genetics: Genetics play a significant role in determining how quickly and to what extent jowls develop. Some individuals may be genetically predisposed to have weaker facial support structures or less resilient skin, making them more prone to sagging and jowls at an earlier age.

  5. Lifestyle Factors: Certain lifestyle habits, such as smoking, excessive sun exposure, and poor skincare, can accelerate the ageing process and contribute to the development of jowls. These factors can further degrade collagen and elastin fibers, leading to more pronounced sagging.

Overall, the combined effects of aging, genetics, and lifestyle factors contribute to the gradual formation of jowls over time. While jowls are a natural part of the ageing process, various cosmetic treatments, including dermal fillers and skin tightening procedures, can help minimise their appearance and restore a more youthful contour to the face.

The Role of Dermal Fillers: Dermal fillers are gel-like substances that are injected beneath the skin to add volume, smooth out wrinkles, and improve facial contours. While traditionally used to address lines and wrinkles, dermal fillers have also shown promise in lifting and tightening sagging skin, including jowls.

How Dermal Fillers Help with Jowls: When strategically injected along the jawline and cheeks, dermal fillers can provide a subtle lift, helping to smooth out the appearance of jowls and restore a more youthful contour to the face. By adding volume to areas that have lost elasticity and definition, dermal fillers can effectively minimise the sagging skin associated with jowls, resulting in a rejuvenated appearance.

Expert Care at Verve Medical Aesthetics: At Verve Medical Aesthetics, our team understands the intricacies of facial anatomy and the artistry required to achieve natural-looking results with dermal fillers. Dr. Mark McCoubrey, our expert injector, brings years of experience and a keen eye for detail to every treatment. During a consultation, Dr. McCoubrey will assess your concerns, develop a personalised treatment plan, and ensure that your goals are met with precision and care.

Beyond Dermal Fillers: Skin Boosters for Comprehensive Care: In addition to dermal fillers, Verve Medical Aesthetics offers a range of skin rejuvenation treatments, including skin boosters. These innovative injections deliver hydration deep within the skin, improving elasticity and overall skin quality. By combining dermal fillers with skin boosters, we can provide comprehensive care for addressing jowls and achieving radiant, youthful-looking skin.

Jowls can be a frustrating aspect of the ageing process, but they don't have to define your appearance. Individuals now have effective options for addressing sagging skin along the jawline. At Verve Medical Aesthetics, our team is dedicated to helping you look and feel your best. If you're considering treatment for jowls or other skin concerns, schedule a consultation with Dr. Mark McCoubrey to explore your options and embark on a journey to renewed confidence and beauty.

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